Lut Geerts

Prof. Lut Geerts

Prof Geerts is a subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine and Principal Specialist in the Department of O&G at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Stellenbosch University, where she is head of the O&G Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine Unit. She is a fellow of the Royal College of obstetricians and gynaecologists (FRCOG, UK), holds a Diploma in Fetal Medicine (UK), BSc Hons in Human Genetics and PhD (Stellenbosch University). She is a member of the SA Medico Legal Association, was past President and current chair: training and education of the SA Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and serves on SASOG’s (SA Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) BetterObs committee (chair: scientific subcommittee).

Her clinical focus is on fetal medicine, including prenatal screening and diagnosis, as well as management of high-risk pregnancies including twins, growth restriction, fetal anaemia etc. She has been extensively involved in the development of clinical guidelines and protocols for safe practice, at local, provincial, and national level. She has published widely on prenatal diagnosis, fetal medicine, and ultrasound in obstetrics (H-factor 24, i10 index 35, 2194 citations). Assessing the performance of prenatal screening and adapting it to the local setting has been a clinical and research priority in her career.