SASHG 2024 Biennial Congress

SASHG is delighted to announce our next Biennial Congress will be held from 27 to 29 October 2024 at the Sun City Resort. Our theme is – Future Ready: Growing Genomics in Africa.

Registration | Programme | Abstracts | Accommodation | Travel | Venue

Survey: Racial labelling in research

Racial and ethnic labelling in research has been the focus of many discussions held by the SASHG for over 10 years.

To begin the search for an answer, the SASHG committee recently conducted a survey to gain insight into the society’s thoughts around racial labelling in Human Genetics research.

➜ View the findings

Become a member

The Society is open for membership to any person interested in the field of Human Genetics irrespective of that person’s specific discipline. Thus medical practitioners, nursing practitioners, scientists, social workers en technologists are all welcome to be members. Membership is not limited geographically either.

Join us now!

Membership benefits

Peer interaction

Interaction with peers in the field of human or medical genetics

Information access

Access to literature, news and a professional database


News alerts about industry news, vacancies and training positions